7th Conference of the International Network on Digital Labor (INDL)
28-30 Oct 2024 Santiago (Chile)

Welcome to INDL-7

The International Digital Labor Network (INDL) is pleased to announce its seventh congress, which will be held for the first time in Latin America, in Santiago, Chile, October 28-30, 2024. The theme of INDL-7 "Digital Labor and Power Dynamics: Present and Future of Work Scenarios” aims to explore the different patterns and dynamics of power (domination, resistance, agency) that affect the conditions, experiences and rights of people engaged in different forms of digital labor.

We expect the conference to enrich the North-South dialogue on digital labor and power dynamics. We are convinced that as in previous editions of this congress, the gathering of this vibrant community will provide the opportunity to create new friendships, networks and fruitful academic collaborations.

This edition of the INDL-7 conference is organized through a collaborative alliance with different research centers and programs of Chilean universities, specifically, the Evolution of Work Millennium Nucleus (MNEW); the Program of Psychosocial Studies of Work (PEPET), Faculty of Psychology, Universidad Diego Portales; the Center for Organizations and Labor Relations (COR), Universidad Alberto Hurtado; the Center for the Study of Conflict and Social Cohesion (COES); the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Universidad Austral; the Millennium Nucleus Futures of Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR); and the Digital Platform Labor (DiPLab) research initiative. The event is also sponsored by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations agency responsible for setting international labor standards to promote social and economic justice.

The call for abstracts is now closed. If you submitted an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster, you should have received a decision letter. If not, please let us know.

The conference programme will be online very soon. Please notice that the conference is in-person only.

The conference takes place at Universidad Diego Portales (28-29 October) and Universidad Alberto Hurtado (30 October), both conveniently located in central Santiago.

If you applied for a scholarship (Registration fees and/or lodging and meals), you should have received a decision letter. If not, please let us know.

ALL conference participants are required to register online. Speakers with accepted abstracts should do so before 6 September to be included in the programme.

After registering:

  • If you have been awarded a registration fee scholarship, you do not have anything else to do.
  • If you are not a scholarship beneficiary, then you should pay your registration fee (60 USD for presenting academics, 30 USD for students and for all other non-presenting attendees). Payment can be done here (by credit card or bank transfer). It should be done before 6 September.

Please be aware that income from registration fees will be primarily used to offer scholarships to participants who may be unable to attend otherwise (essentially, speakers from disadvantaged countries and students). Your prompt payment will facilitate our effort to widen participation, ensuring that more voices will be heard at the conference. We count on your cooperation.

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