7º CONGRESO: Red Internacional de Trabajo Digital (INDL)
28-30 oct. 2024 Santiago (Chile)

Conferencias magistrales > Antonio A. Casilli

Antonio A. Casilli, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France

Title: "Digital Workers, Some More Effort If You Wish To Become A Class For Yourself!" New Frontiers of Platform and AI Activism

Abstract: TBA


Bio: Antonio is full professor of sociology at the Telecommunications school (Telecom Paris) of the Institute Polytechnique de Paris. He is a by-fellow at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, and a visiting scholar at the Centre Internet and Society (CIS) of the French National Centre for the Scientific Research (CNRS) for the year 2024. He is an associate researcher of the “Data, algorithmic Systems and Ethics” research group at the Weizenbaum-Institut, Berlin. His main research foci are social networks, digital platforms, and digital labor. He has conducted fieldworks in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America, and coordinated several international research projects. He is the co-founder of the DiPLab (Digital Platform Labor) research program and of the INDL (International Network on Digital Labor). In addition to several scientific publications in French, English, and Italian, Antonio has published several essays and books about automation, digital labour and workers such as Waiting for Robots. The Hired Hands of Automation (University of Chicago Press, 2025) or a book about e-health, online censorship, and problematic speech in social networks (Qu’est-ce que le digital labor? ([What is digital labor?], Editions de l’INA, 2015; with D. Cardon). Antonio stirs up international media (Le Monde, Libération, Il Corriere, Domani, France Télévisions, Arte, BBC, Wired, Times of India). In 2020 he was the editorial adviser for “Invisibles – Les travailleurs du clic“, a documentary series for France Televisions, based on his work.

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